Common Ground Scorecard for Tom Carper
U.S. Senate

Tom Carper (DE - D)
After four years of fighting the Trump administration on climate change and other environmental policies, Tom Carper now has the opportunity to shift from defense to offense as chair of the Environment and Public Works Committee. Carper says that as a former two-term governor, he realizes that pragmatism and bipartisanship are essential elements of governing. He served as a naval flight officer during the Vietnam War and after returning from Vietnam earned an MBA from the University of Delaware. Carper has served in elected office for four decades.
(Bloomberg Government biography of Tom Carper)Learn what Tom Carper says about finding common ground
Not up for Reelection: Retiring
Top Organizations and Groups
- Senate Committee on Finance
- Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
- Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works (Chairman)
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