Common Ground Scorecard for Sherrod Brown
U.S. Senate

Sherrod Brown (OH - D)
Sherrod Brown is a outspoken liberal populist who may be the Senate’s most conspicuous advocate for organized labor and a “worker-centered trade policy” to revitalize a manufacturing sector battered by trade pacts he says favored corporate interests. Raspy-voiced, shaggy-haired and casual, Brown projects an everyman image as he promotes better pay and benefits for workers and inveighs against the excesses of Wall Street.
(Bloomberg Government biography of Sherrod Brown)Learn what Sherrod Brown says about finding common ground
Up for Reelection in 2024
Top Organizations and Groups
- Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs (Chairman)
- Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
- Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs
- Senate Committee on Finance
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