Common Ground Scorecard for Maria Salazar
U.S. House

Maria Salazar (FL-27 - R)
The daughter of Cuban exiles, Maria Elvira Salazar spent 35 years as a journalist before jumping into politics. Well-known in the Hispanic community around Miami as a former news anchor and host of the political talk show “Maria Elvira Live,” she says she wants to steer a similar centrist path in Congress as her mentor, Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Salazar has been viewed as a rising star in the Republican party, even as her early voting patterns and statements show her willingness to break with the conference on issues like gun safety, health care, the environment, and immigration.
(Bloomberg Government biography of Maria Salazar)Learn what Maria Salazar says about finding common ground
Up for Reelection in 2024
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- House Committee on Small Business
- House Committee on Foreign Affairs
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Official Performance Commentary
Official Performance score increased 11 points based on 2023 performance. Top 10% for Official Performance.