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Common Ground Scorecard for Lori Trahan

U.S. House

Lori Trahan (MA-3 - D)


Lori Trahan calls back to her working-class family roots and the opportunities that fueled her career in public service. A Division I volleyball scholarship brought Trahan to Georgetown University, which upon graduation would pave the way to her first job in Congress, working for Rep. Marty Meehan (D-Mass.), eventually becoming his chief of staff. Trahan worked at a technology startup before running for office in 2018 and put that experience to use when she grilled chief executive officers Sundar Pichai of Google and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg about their companies’ efforts to grow their platforms’ user numbers by targeting children.

(Bloomberg Government biography of Lori Trahan)

Learn what Lori Trahan says about finding common ground

Up for Reelection in 2024

Top Organizations and Groups

  • House Committee on Energy and Commerce
  • House Committee on Natural Resources

Common Ground Score is

*Common Ground Maverick*
Somewhat Above Average

Based on a scale of 0-100, below is a breakdown of the Common Ground Score:

Official PerformanceMAX 30
Personal ActionsMAX 30
CommunicationsMAX 20
CommitmentsMAX 20
BONUS: Outstanding Common GrounderMAX 10
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Common Ground Score History for Lori Trahan

Hover over points for more data

Official Performance Commentary

Top 50% for Official Performance.

Personal Actions Commentary

Member of a common ground focused caucus.

Communications Commentary

"We are in this early stage where we are meeting one another and hearing each other's stories, and I think that presents a really cool opportunity to dispense with some of these preconceived notions that 'Oh, well he's an R and I'm a D and we're not going to agree'"

Commitments Commentary

The politician has not affirmed the commitments.

Outstanding Commmon Grounder Commentary

There is no information available to support this score.

What are the score ranges?

  • Champion
  • Well Above Average
  • Somewhat Above Average
  • Average
  • Somewhat Below Average
  • Well Below Average

Insufficient Data to Score

For candidates without congressional or gubernatorial service, Official Performance points are a predictive estimate using statistical modeling.

Personal Actions points can be provisionally awarded for a commitment to take the action(s) within the first six months of office, if elected.

Maverick Matrix for Lori Trahan

Team Players
Constituent Partisan Intensity
Common Ground Score
Learn More About the Maverick Matrix