Common Ground Scorecard for Josh Riley
U.S. House

Josh Riley (NY-19 - D)
The work ethic and values that Josh Riley learned growing up in Upstate New York have guided his career – from Staff Assistant to Congressman Maurice Hinchey, to Policy Analyst at the U.S. Department of Labor, to law clerk for Judge Kim Wardlaw on the U.S. Court of Appeals, to General Counsel to U.S. Senator Al Franken on the Senate Judiciary Committee. As an attorney in private legal practice, Riley has filed briefs arguing for stronger campaign finance laws, better healthcare for all, ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, and improved access to benefits for veterans. He also supported legal challenges opposing the Trump Administration’s discriminatory immigration policies, filing U.S. Supreme Court arguments to support Dreamers and oppose the Muslim Ban.
(Biography courtesy of what Josh Riley says about finding common ground
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