Common Ground Scorecard for Joe Wilson
U.S. House

Joe Wilson (SC-2 - R)
South Carolina’s Joe Wilson may go down in history as the congressman who interrupted President Barack Obama during an address to Congress with “You lie!” in 2009. More than a decade since that infamous outburst, Wilson, a retired Army Reserves veteran and National Guardsman, has had foreign affairs and military matters as the primary focus of his work in Congress. With an otherwise low profile, Wilson rode the Tea Party wave to become an ardent defender of President Donald Trump.
(Bloomberg Government biography of Joe Wilson)Learn what Joe Wilson says about finding common ground
Up for Reelection in 2024
Top Organizations and Groups
- House Committee on Armed Services
- Joint Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (Helsinki Commission) (Ranking Member)
- House Committee on Education and Labor
- House Committee on Foreign Affairs
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Official Performance Commentary
Official Performance score increased 8 points based on 2023 performance. Top 25% for Official Performance.