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Common Ground Scorecard for Jeff Jackson

U.S. House

Jeff Jackson (NC-14 - D)


Jeff Jackson has served in the U.S. Army National Guard. Jackson earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in philosophy from Emory University and a J.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His career experience includes working as an assistant district attorney with the Gaston County District Attorney’s Office and as business litigation counsel with Womble Bond Dickinson (US) LLP.

(Biography courtesy of

Learn what Jeff Jackson says about finding common ground

Not up for Reelection: Seeking Other Office

Common Ground Score is


Based on a scale of 0-100, below is a breakdown of the Common Ground Score:

Official PerformanceMAX 30
Personal ActionsMAX 30
CommunicationsMAX 20
CommitmentsMAX 20
BONUS: Outstanding Common GrounderMAX 10
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Common Ground Score History for Jeff Jackson

Hover over points for more data

Official Performance Commentary

Top 10% for Official Performance.

Personal Actions Commentary

Member of the For Country Caucus.

Communications Commentary

"It was clear [from their reputation] this was not someone I was going to be able to work with... and then we talked for 20 minutes... the more we talked and the more issues we touched on, the more I found myself thinking well we could work together on that and that and that. There was just a massive gap between who I thought this person was and who they turned out to be. In order for me to get anything done, I have to be able to find common ground with lots of other people, and unlikely allies can still be allies... I'm going to put all of my assumptions about people on hold until I've had a chance to meet with them personally. I was wrong about one person, so I could be wrong about someone else. If any of my coworkers in Congress are watching this and you want to join me in setting aside our assumptions and helping this place start fresh, stop by any time... would love to see you."

Commitments Commentary

Affirmed Common Grounder Commitments.

Outstanding Commmon Grounder Commentary

Championed common ground in a viral TikTok video about the power of personal conversation to break through assumptions and discover common ground in Congress.

What are the score ranges?

  • Champion
  • Well Above Average
  • Somewhat Above Average
  • Average
  • Somewhat Below Average
  • Well Below Average

Insufficient Data to Score

For candidates without congressional or gubernatorial service, Official Performance points are a predictive estimate using statistical modeling.

Personal Actions points can be provisionally awarded for a commitment to take the action(s) within the first six months of office, if elected.

Maverick Matrix for Jeff Jackson

Team Players
Constituent Partisan Intensity
Common Ground Score
Learn More About the Maverick Matrix