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Common Ground Scorecard for Jacky Rosen

U.S. Senate

Jacky Rosen (NV - D)


Jacky Rosen has drawn on her experience as a computer programmer and the president of Nevada’s largest synagogue in many of the bills she’s sponsored in Congress. Many of her initiatives have been with Republican colleagues, part of her efforts to forge bipartisanship. She worked as a programmer, software developer, and designer for companies including Citibank Inc. and Southwest Gas Corp., before starting her own consulting firm. Rosen is passionate about mentoring women and girls who are interested in pursuing science, technology, engineering, and mathematics careers.

(Bloomberg Government biography of Jacky Rosen)

Learn what Jacky Rosen says about finding common ground

Up for Reelection in 2024

Top Organizations and Groups

  • Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
  • Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
  • Senate Committee on Armed Services
  • Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
  • Senate Special Committee on Aging

Common Ground Score is


Based on a scale of 0-100, below is a breakdown of the Common Ground Score:

Official PerformanceMAX 30
Personal ActionsMAX 30
CommunicationsMAX 20
CommitmentsMAX 20
BONUS: Outstanding Common GrounderMAX 10
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Common Ground Score History for Jacky Rosen

Hover over points for more data

Official Performance Commentary

Top 10% for Official Performance.

Personal Actions Commentary

Joined Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski for a conversation on CBS News about their bipartisan mental health legislation. Joined Republican Senator James Lankford for a conversation on CNN about their Abraham Accords Caucus. Led a public panel discussion on emerging tech policy that included Republican Senator Cynthia Lummis. Joined Republican Congressman Mark Amodei for a visit of his district. Founded and leads the bipartisan Women in STEM Caucus with Republican Senator Shelley Moore Capito and the bipartisan Abraham Accords Caucus with Republican Senator James Lankford.

Communications Commentary

"I’ve consistently made it a priority to reach across the aisle on issues where both parties can find common ground. At a time of increasing political division and partisan gridlock, it’s even more important for both sides to come together, to make progress on the issues that are impacting Americans at home."

Commitments Commentary

Affirmed Common Grounder Commitments.

Outstanding Commmon Grounder Commentary

Championed common ground in a national television interview alongside Republican Senator Shelley Moore Capito focused on how they work together across the aisle, in which she said, "We don't have to be disagreeable when we disagree; we can focus on the things we agree on. That's why people send us here; that's what they expect from their leadership." Founded the bipartisan Women in STEM Caucus with Republican Senator Shelley Moore Capito and the bipartisan Abraham Accords Caucus with Republican Senator James Lankford.

What are the score ranges?

  • Champion
  • Well Above Average
  • Somewhat Above Average
  • Average
  • Somewhat Below Average
  • Well Below Average

Insufficient Data to Score

For candidates without congressional or gubernatorial service, Official Performance points are a predictive estimate using statistical modeling.

Personal Actions points can be provisionally awarded for a commitment to take the action(s) within the first six months of office, if elected.

Maverick Matrix for Jacky Rosen

Team Players
Constituent Partisan Intensity
Common Ground Score
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