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Common Ground Scorecard for Dean Phillips


Dean Phillips (MN-3 - D)


If you’ve ever eaten a pint of Talenti Gelato or had a swig of Belvedere vodka, you have businessman Dean Phillips in part to thank. The Small Business Committee is an apt fit for Phillips, whose background also includes owning a chain of small coffee shops. At the urging of his parents, Phillips worked through high school, busing tables at a downtown Minneapolis restaurant. Phillips was an intern for Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) in 1988. He entered the family business several years later, working toward his MBA on weekends and earning the degree in 2000 before ascending to CEO.

(Bloomberg Government biography of Dean Phillips)

Learn what Dean Phillips says about finding common ground

Not up for Reelection: Retiring

Top Organizations and Groups

  • House Committee on Small Business
  • House Committee on Foreign Affairs
  • House Committee on Ethics
  • House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress

Common Ground Score is


Based on a scale of 0-100, below is a breakdown of the Common Ground Score:

Official PerformanceMAX 30
Personal ActionsMAX 30
CommunicationsMAX 20
CommitmentsMAX 20
BONUS: Outstanding Common GrounderMAX 10
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Common Ground Score History for Dean Phillips

Hover over points for more data

Official Performance Commentary

Official Performance score decreased 7 points based on 2023 performance. Top 25% for Official Performance.

Personal Actions Commentary

Participated in the American Congressional Exchange with Republican Congressman Dusty Johnson. Had a public conversation with Republican Congressman Tim Burchett as part of One Small Step Congress, hosted by StoryCorps. Had a public conversation with Republican Congresswoman Young Kim as part of Common Grounds, hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Joined Republican Congressman Michael McCaul for a conversation on Fox News Special Report with Bret Baier's Common Ground segment. Had a public conversation with Republican Congressman Dusty Johnson hosted by A Starting Point. Member of the Problem Solvers Caucus and the Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress.

Communications Commentary

"I'm on a mission to inspire a new era of collaboration in Congress. As other political leaders focus on division, my staff and I will always prioritize unifying over common ground for the common good."

Commitments Commentary

Affirmed Common Grounder Commitments.

Outstanding Commmon Grounder Commentary

Championed common ground by introducing the Building Unity Through Dual Sponsors (BUDS) resolution to bolster bipartisan collaboration in Congress. Won Legislative Action Award from Bipartisan Policy Center. Championed common ground at a Hold America Together gathering on January 12, 2021 hosted by Braver Angels.

What are the score ranges?

  • Champion
  • Well Above Average
  • Somewhat Above Average
  • Average
  • Somewhat Below Average
  • Well Below Average

Insufficient Data to Score

For candidates without congressional or gubernatorial service, Official Performance points are a predictive estimate using statistical modeling.

Personal Actions points can be provisionally awarded for a commitment to take the action(s) within the first six months of office, if elected.

Maverick Matrix for Dean Phillips

Team Players
Constituent Partisan Intensity
Common Ground Score
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